ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES MATRIXThis Excel tool can assist planners in determining and assigning roles and responsibilities, ensuring that all necessary tasks are covered and that the process is well-coordinated and efficient. The tool can also help define the role and responsibilities of stakeholders actively involved in the planning process, as well as produce a visual matrix that facilitates communication and collaboration among the planning team members.Download
STAKEHOLDER IDENTIFICATION AND ANALYSIS TEMPLATEThis Excel template can help planners systematically identify and analyse key stakeholders within the regional energy planning process. The template can be used to collate stakeholder names, roles, interests, relevance, influence, and potential impact in the energy transition. This tool can support planners in better understanding and engaging stakeholders.Download
STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT PLAN TEMPLATEThis template can guide planners in developing a comprehensive stakeholder engagement plan that outlines the objectives, methods, timelines, and resources required for engaging stakeholders throughout the planning process. The template can incorporate stakeholder analysis, and the development of communication strategies, engagement activities, and evaluation measures, ensuring that stakeholder engagement efforts are well-planned and effective. The outcomes emerged by the use of the Stakeholder Identification and Analysis Tool (step 2.1) are facilitated to feed parts of this template as well.Download
NATIONAL AND REGIONAL TARGETS MAPPING TEMPLATEThis Excel template can help planners systematically compare their regional energy targets with EU, national and other objectives, such as the European Union's energy and climate goals. The template includes columns for each target type (e.g., greenhouse gas emissions reduction, renewable energy share, energy efficiency) and rows for filling in national, regional, and other targets, enabling planners to identify deviations and areas for review.Download
PARTICIPATORY PRIORITIES RANKING TOOLSThis tool can facilitate planners rank priorities using a collaborative process. It provides a systematic approach for gathering inputs and perspectives from a diverse group of stakeholders, such as community members, experts, or decision-makers, and collectively determining the relative importance / urgency of different options / measures. By actively involving stakeholders, a more inclusive and representative prioritization process is ensured, ultimately leading to more effective and sustainable outcomes.Download
ENERGY INVENTORY DATA COLLECTION TEMPLATEThis Excel template can help planners systematically collect and organize relevant energy data, such as energy production and consumption, as well as key infrastructure information (e.g. existing renewable energy production capacity). It can also act as a checklist that helps planners identify key sectors and energy sources to collect data for. Finally, it can help planners subsequently develop a Greenhouse Gas inventory for the region.Download
TECHNOLOGY CATALOGUEThe Technology Catalogue Tool can help planners assess the potential of various supply-side and demand-side solutions in their region, by providing indicative information on renewable energy sources, regional energy generation solutions, as well as end-use energy efficiency solutions for different sectors. More specifically, the tool can help planners understand the cost-effectiveness of various energy technologies and solutions, including average costs (capital, operational and maintenance costs, etc.), efficiencies and emission intensities for the supply side, as well as potential energy and cost savings for energy efficiency solutions. As such, the tool allows planners to select and compare different energy technologies and solutions based on the region's specific needs and objectives.Download

The Cost-Benefit Analysis Tool can help planners assess the costs, effectiveness and to an extent the benefits (e.g., energy cost savings) of different energy solutions for their region. This tool can enable planners compare various energy options and identify those that provide the greatest net benefits for the region. More specifically:

  • The user inputs key variables, such as technology costs and energy prices.
  • The tool produces outputs, including the costs, energy savings and energy cost savings of different energy solutions.

The tool can also help planners assess the sensitivity of the analysis, to uncertainties, by changing key inputs variables. This can help planners identify the most robust and resilient energy solutions under different circumstances.

MULTI-CRITERIA DECISION ANALYSIS (MCDA)This Excel tool serves as a valuable aid for energy planners by facilitating the prioritization of various energy options and ultimately supporting the decision-making process. The tool enables planners and stakeholders to derive aggregated scores and rankings, thus identifying the most feasible energy options for the region. In particular, it allows the selection of criteria and the assignment of weights to these criteria, encompassing factors such as environmental sustainability, social equity and economic feasibility. Stakeholders and/or planners can then assign scores to the selected criteria for each solution, aiding in a qualitative assessment, whilst the tool also assists decision-makers in quantifying qualitative impacts when evaluating solutions. Subsequently, it calculates scores to provide a quantitative assessment of impacts, enabling more informed decision-making.Download
MONITORING TEMPLATEThis template can assist planners in monitoring the implementation of the actions/interventions incorporated in the regional energy plan. It can enable planners report on progress and on the impact of actions/interventions and evaluate their effectiveness.Download